Special Issue accepting articles on tropics-midlatitude interactions and teleconnections

The Canadian Journal Atmosphere-Ocean is calling for submissions for a Special Issue dedicated to the International Project “The Year of Tropics-Midlatitude Interactions and Teleconnections”.

The Special Issue is a collection of manuscripts documenting observational and modeling studies focused on understanding the physical mechanisms underlying the two-way interactions between tropics and mildlatitudes on the subseasonal-to-seasonal (S2S) time scales; prediction and predictability studies using the S2S database, and the role of intra-seasonal teleconnections in the occurrence and frequency of high-impact weather events.

Manuscript submissions are being accepted through May 2018. For submission instructions, please visit http://cmos.ca/site/ao. The special issue can be selected from the drop-down list of the submission process. If you plan to submit a manuscript, please send a tentative title to Cristiana Stan, cstan@gmu.edu, by 31 January 2018.