Tropical Troposphere-Stratosphere science meeting in Boulder, CO, 20-23 July 2015

We would like to inform you of an upcoming open meeting titled "Composition and Transport in the Tropical Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere" to be held in Boulder, CO on 20-23 July, 2015.

The meeting will cover the science topics listed below. Observational and modeling studies are encouraged. Analyses that combine ground-based, airborne, and satellite measurements, as well as the use of these observations for evaluation of large-scale models, are particularly welcome. We hope to have presentations and discussions of the role of the TTL in the climate system and the response of the TTL to future climate change. It would also be helpful if speakers identify open science questions and the future measurement strategies needed to address them.

Limited support will be available for international participants and for students.

Science topics:

1. Chemistry and transport processes controlling tropical tropospheric and stratospheric composition

  • Chemical and dynamical processes controlling ozone concentrations from the surface to the stratosphere
  • Impact of deep convection on tropical tropospheric and stratospheric composition
  • Halogen budgets/partitioning/sources/transport/etc

2. Clouds and water vapor

  • Tropical wave interactions
  • Processes controlling variability in stratospheric humidity
  • TTL cirrus formation processes
  • Radiative, dynamical, and chemical impacts of TTL cirrus

3. Measurement and model comparisons

  • Use of ground-based and airborne measurements for evaluation of satellite retrievals
  • Use of ground-based, airborne, and satellite measurements for evaluation of global models
  • Evaluation of convective parameterizations using composition measurements

This meeting is held under the auspices of SPARC and IGAC.

Organising committee:

Eric Jensen, Neil Harris, Joan Alexander, Elliot Atlas, Fumio Hasebe, Nathaniel Livesey, Rolf Müller, Laura Pan, Leonhard Pfister, Ross Salawitch, and Troy Thornberry.

All enquiries to Eric Jensen (), Neil Harris () with a copy to the SPARC Office ().

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