EGU General Assembly: Session on the dynamics of stratosphere-troposphere interaction

Abstract submission deadline: 11 Jan 2017
Deadline for travel support requests: 1 Dec 2016

The EGU session on Dynamical coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere (AS1.28) is interested in the dynamical two-way interaction between the stratosphere and the troposphere, the mechanisms for this interaction, and its consequences for explaining both short-term atmospheric weather and longer-term climate variability. This also includes work that investigates alternate diagnostics for the definition of major and minor stratospheric sudden warmings and work that focuses on the role of the stratosphere for the predictability of tropospheric forecast in medium-range to sub-seasonal time scale.

Session conveners: Thomas Reichler, Bo Christiansen and Seok-Woo Son.

Abstract submission is now open and closes on 11 January 2017.
Applications for travel support from early career scientists close on 1 December 2016.