SPARC SSG member Don Wuebbles receives 2018 Bert Bolin Global Environmental Change Award

We are thrilled to hear that Don Wuebbles has received this award which he thoroughly deserves. Don has contributed to SPARC science for many years and is currently a valuable member of the SPARC Steering Group.  – The SPARC co-chairs

From The AGU news:

Donald Wuebbles’s research contributions would be notable based solely on his foundational efforts in atmospheric chemistry, including important work on the ozone hole. But his research has been remarkably wide ranging and influential, advancing our knowledge about many key aspects of global environmental change, including severe weather, climate extremes, high-resolution modeling of the climate system, national security, and risk management issues associated with climate change. His leadership of environmental assessments has been extensive at the regional, national, and international levels. For the 2014 Third National Climate Assessment and the 2017 Climate Science Special Report, his singular leadership influence on the development of those products was one of the key reasons for the quality and balance of these influential assessments. His body of work reflects his deep commitment to solving the core environmental challenges of our age.

– Kenneth Kunkel, North Carolina State University, Raleigh

Find Don’s response on the AGU webpage: