SPARC Science update: 11 December – 17 December

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).


A 17 year climatology of the macrophysical properties of convection in Darwin. By R.C. Jackson et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

A Multivariate Probabilistic Framework for Tracking the Intertropical Convergence Zone: Analysis of Recent Climatology and Past Trends. By A. Mamalakis and E. Foufoula‐Georgiou in the Geophysical Research Letters.

Quantifying the irreducible uncertainty in near‐term climate projections. By J. Marotzke in WIREs Climate Change.

Estimating daily climatological normals in a changing climate. By A. Rigal, J.-M. Azaïs, and A. Ribes in Climate Dynamics.

Estimation of the variability of mesoscale energy spectra with three years of COSMO-DE analyses. By T. Selz, L. Bierdel, and G.C. Craig in the Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences.

ITCZ width controls on Hadley cell extent and eddy-driven jet position, and their response to warming. By O. Watt-Meyer and D.M.W. Frierson in the Journal of the Climate.


Discussion papers – open for comment:

Mechanism of ozone loss under enhanced water vapour conditions in the mid-latitude lower stratosphere in summer. By S. Robrecht et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

A numerical process study on the rapid transport of stratospheric air down to the surface over western North America and the Tibetan Plateau. By B. Škerlak et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.