Announcement: Interdisciplinary PhD and Post-Doc summer research school in St. Petersburg

International interdisciplinary PhD and Post-Doc summer research school

Observing and Modelling the Arctic Environment – Climate processes, prediction and projection


Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NIERSC), St. Petersburg, Russia


8th – 13th September 2019

Sponsored by the Research Council of Norway INTPART project “ARCONOR: Arctic cooperation between Norway, Russia, India, China and US in satellite Earth observation and Education”, EC Horizon2020 “INTAROS: Integrated Arctic Observation System” and the organizing partners.

Applications by 1. August at 12:00 CET

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The aim of this research school is to provide students with an overview of state-of the-art research in the Arctic from observations through process understanding and model development to application. The research school will have five sessions addressing:

(1) Observational capabilities: including in-situ measurements and satellite remote sensing, field campaigns and operational resources;
(2) Dynamics of the Arctic environment: what we know about the most important processes and how we include them in climate models;
(3) Surface coupling: a review of the multitude of surface coupling processes in the Arctic and current approaches to integrating this understanding in models at different scales;
(4) Climate projection and prediction: anthropogenically-forced and natural climate change in the Arctic, perspective from the 21st century and opportunities with climate prediction;
(5) Modelling for Arctic applications: using climate model results in other domains with examples from simulating marine primary production, future shipping routes, and other industrial activities in ice covered waters

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