SPARC Science update: 31 March – 06 April

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).


Towards the closure of momentum budget analyses in the WRF (v3.8.1) model. By T.-C. Chen, M.-K. Yau, and D.J. Kirschbaim in Geoscientific Model Development.

Insights from Earth system model initial-condition large ensembles and future prospects. By C. Deser et al. in nature: climate change.

Can the issuance of hazardous-weather warnings inform the attribution of extreme events to climate change? By D.R. Durran in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

An endless summer: 2018 heat episodes in Europe in the context of secular temperature variability and change. By A. Hoy, S. Hänsel, and M. Maugeri in the International Journal of Climatology.

Maximum and Minimum Air Temperature Lapse Rates in the Andean region of Ecuador and Peru. By F. Navarro-Serrano et al. in the International Journal of Climatology.

Description and Evaluation of the specified-dynamics experiment in the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative. By C. Orbe et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Quantifying the radiative impact of clouds on tropopause layer cooling in tropical cyclones. By L. Ricoire et al. in the Journal of the Climate.


Discussion papers – open for comment:

A convolution of observational and model data to estimate age of air spectra in the northern hemispheric lower stratosphere. By M. Hauck et al. in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Impact of the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo on the chemical composition of the stratosphere. By M. Kilian, S. Brinkop and P. Jöckel in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.