Saving our Skins: Atmospheric Reflections from a Lauder Stargazer

A new book is now available about the Montreal Protocol on Protection of the Ozone Layer.

Saving our Skins: Colourful Atmospheric Reflections from a Lauder Stargazer TaschenbuchThe book “Saving our Skins”, written by Richard McKenzie is an insider’s account of the most successful international environmental action ever undertaken: the Montreal Protocol on Protection of the Ozone Layer. Saving our Skins is the story of how McKenzie and his colleagues at New Zealand’s National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research in Lauder – a research laboratory housed on a sheep and cattle station at the bottom of the country – helped ensure the success of the Montreal Protocol. Ultimately, McKenzie shows that with foresight and global cooperation, difficult problems in science can be solved. As world leaders grasp for solutions to the climate change threat, this book suggests they might find a model in the Montreal Protocol.

Find more information on the book and the author on the Amazon webpage