SPARC Science update: 3 November – 9 November

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).


Large atmospheric waves will get stronger while small waves will get weaker by the end of the 21st century. By R. Chemke and Y. Ming in the Geophysical Research Letters.

Near‐global CFC‐11 Trends as Observed by Atmospheric Infrared Sounder from 2003 to 2018. By X. Chen, X. Huang, and L.L. Strow in the Journal of Geophysical research: Atmospheres.

Recommendations for future research priorities for climate modelling and climate services. By C.D. Hewitt et al. in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.

Exceptionally low Arctic stratospheric ozone in spring 2020 as seen in the CAMS reanalysis. By A. Inness et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

Atmospheric Water Vapor Budget and its Long‐Term Trend over the Tibetan Plateau. By H. Yan et al. in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.


Discussion papers – open for comment:

Differences in the QBO response to stratospheric aerosol modification depending on injection strategy and species. By H. Franke, U. Niemeier, and D. Visioni in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.