SPARC Science update: 18 May – 24 May

A selection of new science articles from the past week of interest to the SPARC community (a SPARC Office choice).

The Arctic polar vortex response to volcanic forcing of different strengths. By A. Azoulay, H. Schmidt, and C. Timmreck in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres.

The advective Brewer–Dobson circulation in the ERA5 reanalysis: climatology, variability, and trends. By M. Diallo, M. Ern, and F. Ploeger in Atmospheric Chemistrey and Physics.

Stratospheric gravity waves over the mountainous island of South Georgia: testing a high-resolution dynamical model with 3-D satellite observations and radiosondes. By N.P. Hindley et al., in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

How frequent are Antarctic sudden stratospheric warmings in present and future climate? By M. Jucker, T. Reichler, and D.W. Waugh in the Geophysical Research Letters.

The observed influence of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation in the lower equatorial stratosphere on the East Asian winter monsoon during early boreal winter. By T. Ma et al., in the International Journal of Climatology.

Is our dynamical understanding of the circulation changes associated with the Antarctic ozone hole sensitive to the choice of reanalysis dataset? By A. Orr et al., in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Stratospheric contraction caused by increasing greenhouse gases. By P. Pisoft et al., in the Environmental Research Letters.

The impact of increasing stratospheric radiative damping on the quasi-biennial oscillation period. By T. Zhou et al., in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Discussion papers – open for comment:

Heterogeneity and Chemical Reactivity of the Remote Troposphere defined by Aircraft Measurements. By H. Guo et al., in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.