- Science Update: A satellite perspective of the interaction between the QBO and gravity waves 21 February 2014
- New deadlines: CCMI meeting, Lancaster, May 2014 18 February 2014
- Science Update: Identification of downward propagation of Artic stratospheric climate change over recent decades 17 February 2014
- Thank you for your contribution to the SPARC General Assembly 14 February 2014
- Science Update: Multi-model estimates of atmospheric lifetimes of long-lived ozone depleting substances: Present and future 10 February 2014
- Science Update: Sensitivity of Northern Hemispheric winter warming patterns to ozone climatology 29 January 2014
- Science Update: Evaluation of UTLS hygrometer accuracy during the NASA MACPEX mission 29 January 2014
- Science Update: NOx variability in the polar middle atmosphere from October 2003 to March 2004 29 January 2014
- Science Update: Climate system response to stratospheric ozone depletion and recovery 29 January 2014
- Science update: Harmonized dataset of ozone profiles from satellite measurements 23 January 2014
- Science update: Diurnal variability of stratospheric ozone measured at Mauna Loa 23 January 2014
- SPARC community meets in Queenstown, New Zealand 12 January 2014
- SPARC Report No. 6: Lifetimes of Stratospheric Ozone-Depleting Substances 26 December 2013
- SPARC report on lifetime of ozone-depleting substances 19 December 2013
- SPARC portrait in International Innovation 17 December 2013
- Call to contribute to the General Assembly carbon offsetting programme 16 December 2013
- Registration open for SPARC CCMI workshop 2014 10 December 2013
- Abstract submission open: CosMos – 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 10 December 2013
- Science update: Recent variability of the tropical tropopause inversion layer 6 December 2013
- Future Earth Initial Design 6 December 2013
- SPARC Data Center: new website 1 December 2013
- Science Update: Detecting the solar signal in the tropical stratosphere 29 November 2013
- Science Update: Comparison between SMILES and Ozonesonde profile measurements 29 November 2013
- Science Update: Improved seasonal forecasting using ozone hole variability? 29 November 2013
- Science Update: Contributions to 20th Century Total Column Ozone Change From Halocarbons, Tropospheric Ozone Precursors, and Climate Change 29 November 2013
- EGU session announcement: Dynamical coupling between the stratosphere and the troposphere 27 November 2013
- Science Update: Review: Gravity waves from atmospheric jets and fronts 15 November 2013
- Science Update: A tropical west Pacific OH minimum and implications for stratospheric composition 15 November 2013
- Science Update: A simple procedure for removing temporal discontinuities in ERA-interim upper stratospheric temperatures 11 November 2013
- Science Update: Quantifying the role of orographic gravity waves on polar stratospheric cloud occurrence in the Antarctic and the Arctic 11 November 2013
- Science Update: The SPARC Data Initiative: A comparison of ozone climatologies from international satellite limb sounders 11 November 2013
- Science Update: Influence of major sudden stratospheric warmings and elevated stratopause events on the effects of energetic particle precipitation 11 November 2013
- Science Update: Characterizing sampling biases in the trace gas climatologies of the SPARC Data Initiative 11 November 2013
- Science Update: Effect of seasonal cycle of orographic wave occurrence above small Southern Hemisphere islands on general circulation 11 November 2013
- Science update: Microphysical modelling of Arctic stratospheric dehydration 1 November 2013
- Science Update: 2001-2010 stratospheric ozone changes: the small role of solar flux variations 1 November 2013
- Science Update: UTLS temperature trends: connections with SSTs and implications for water vapour and ozone 28 October 2013
- Science Update: UV absorption spectrum temperature dependence measurements of CFC-11 and impacts on its atmospheric lifetime and uncertainty 28 October 2013
- Science update: Unravelling impact factors for future changes in the Brewer Dobson Circulation 28 October 2013
- Science Update: SPARC Data Initiative: Comparison of water vapour climatologies from satellite limb sounders 28 October 2013
- Science Update: Gravitational separation in the stratosphere – a new indicator of atmospheric circulation 28 October 2013
- Science Update: Trajectory modelling of UTLS water vapour anomalies 28 October 2013
- Science Update: Southern Hemisphere stationary wave response to changes of ozone and greenhouse gases 28 October 2013
- Science Update: Extending water vapour trend observations into the tropopause region: Trend uncertainties and resulting radiative forcing 28 October 2013
- Science Update: ENSO influence on QBO modulations of the tropical tropopause 28 October 2013
- Science Update: Effects of stratospheric ozone recovery on tropospheric chemistry and air quality 28 October 2013
- Science Update: Are recent Arctic ozone losses caused by increasing greenhouse gases? 28 October 2013
- IPCC Fifth Assessment Report on Science Basis presented today 27 September 2013
- The Royal Society, London invites: Next steps in climate science 20 August 2013
- BAMS State of the Climate – 2012 15 August 2013
- Science Update: Validation of monthly zonal mean ozone profiles from the SBUVv8.6 algorithm 9 August 2013
- Science Update: Sensitivity of stratospheric dynamics to uncertainty in ozone production 9 August 2013
- Science Update – Journal of Climate article by Ramsay and co-authors 9 August 2013
- Science Update – ATMOS CHEM PHYS paper by Garny and co-authors 9 August 2013
- Science Update: Stratospheric lifetimes of CFC-12, CCl4, CH4, CH3Cl and N2O from ACE-FTS observations 9 August 2013
- Science Update – GRL paper by Anet and co-authors 9 August 2013
- Science Update: Seasonality above the tropical tropopause: reconciling the Eulerian and Lagrangian perspectives of transport processes 31 July 2013
- Science Update: Flux of idealized surface trace gases into the lowermost stratosphere dependent on lifetimes 31 July 2013
- Science Update: Modelling evidence of ozone depletion’s impact on extreme precipitation during the austral summer 31 July 2013
- SPARC newsletter No. 41 July issue now available 30 July 2013
- Science update: Thermal characteristics of the cold-point tropopause region in CMIP5 models 26 July 2013
- Science update: GeoMIP (Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project) climate model response 26 July 2013
- Submit your abstract: SSiRC workshop, October 2013 26 July 2013
- Science update: Influence of the propagation of stratospheric planetary waves on tropospheric blockings 26 July 2013
- First announcement: IGAC/iCACGP joint Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry 26 July 2013
- Future Earth July 2013 newsletter 23 July 2013
- Science Update: Horizontal water vapour transport in the lower stratosphere during the boreal summer 22 July 2013
- Science Update: Stratospheric aerosols from the Sarychev volcano eruption in the 2009 Arctic summer 22 July 2013
- Science Update: Observations of horizontal winds in the stratosphere during the 2009/2010 northern hemisphere winter 9 July 2013
- Science Update: A global ozone climatology from ozone soundings via trajectory mapping 9 July 2013
- Science Update: Contrasting effects of El Niño variants on stratospheric water vapour 28 June 2013
- Science Update: Chemical composition and severe ozone loss during the 2010/2011 Arctic winter 28 June 2013
- Science Update: Indirect effects of the ozone hole: cloud-radiative anomalies in response to the poleward jet shift 28 June 2013
- Science Update: New merged vertically resolved ozone observations: SAGE-II and OSIRIS 28 June 2013
- Science Update: Chemical composition observations of stratospheric aerosol particles 28 June 2013
- Science Update: Improved annular mode variability using a very high resolution AGCM 21 June 2013
- Science Update: Balloon measurements of Antarctic ozone variability inside the Polar Vortex 21 June 2013
- Science update: ACE-FTS satellite observations of PAN in the UTLS 18 June 2013
- Science Update: Cost effective trace gas measurements for long term monitoring of stratospheric circulation 18 June 2013
- Science Update: Chemical ionization mass spectrometry measurements of low-ppm mixing ratios of water vapour in the UTLS 18 June 2013
- Science Update: Stratospheric ozone depletion a key driver of precipitation trends 18 June 2013
- Science Update: Comparison of three vertically-resolved ozone data sets 18 June 2013
- Science Update: 35 years of stratospheric aerosol measurements at Garmisch-Partenkirchen 4 June 2013
- Science Update: Influence of an internally-generated QBO on stratospheric climate and chemistry 4 June 2013
- Science Update: Validation of AIRS/AMSU-A water vapour and temperature data with in situ UTLS aircraft measurements. 29 May 2013
- Science Update: Effects of solar proton events and sudden stratospheric warmings on odd nitrogen and ozone. 29 May 2013
- Science Update: Principal Component Analysis of Umkehr ozone observations at Boulder, USA, and Arosa, Switzerland. 29 May 2013
- Science Update: Interannual stratospheric ozone variability at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, and Table Mountain, California. 29 May 2013
- Call for papers: Seventh International Symposium on Non-CO2 GHG 24 May 2013
- Scholarships available for Masters programme at University of Leeds 22 May 2013
- MEaSUREs GOZCARDS stratospheric data records update 14 May 2013
- Science Update: Validation of global ozone profile measurements 30 April 2013
- Future Earth Newsletter – April issue 26 April 2013
- Science Update: The importance of time-varying forcing for Quasi-Biannial Oscillation modulation of the atmospheric 11-year solar cycle signal 26 April 2013
- Science Update: Combined SAGE II-GOMOS ozone profile data set 1984-2011 and trend analysis of the vertical distribution of ozone 23 April 2013
- Science Update: Volcanic sulfate deposition to Greenland and Antarctica: a modeling sensitivity study 19 April 2013
- SPARC Annual Report 2012 16 April 2013
- SPARC General Assembly: Abstract submission now open 9 April 2013
- Extended deadline: 15 April – CORDEX abstract submission 9 April 2013
- Abstract deadline: 13 April – IAGA 2013 Scientific Assembly 5 April 2013
Atmospheric Processes And their Role in Climate