- WCRP Accomplishment Report 27 March 2013
- JGR article on the lack of stratospheric dynamical variability in CMIP5 models 26 March 2013
- IPCC calls for review: AR5 Working Group II 2nd order draft 25 March 2013
- IGAC Newsletter – March 2013 issue 22 March 2013
- JoC article on a comparison between gravity wave momentum fluxes in observations and climate models 13 March 2013
- IPCC Calls for Review: WGIII draft contribution to AR5 26 February 2013
- Extended deadline: abstract submission for C4 International Workshop in Pune closes on 15 March 22 February 2013
- WMO/IGAC report on Impact of Megacities on Air Pollution and Climate 7 February 2013
- Application now open: NCAS Climate Modelling Summer School 2013 7 February 2013
- Reminder: registration deadline for S-RIP Planning Meeting on 20 February 7 February 2013
- Abstract submission opens on 1 April: SPARC General Assembly 2014 7 February 2013
- Reminder: Abstract submission for WCRP Regional Workshop, Kyoto, closes on 20 February 6 February 2013
- MEaSUREs GOZCARDS data now available 27 January 2013
- Reminder: Abstract submission for DACA-2013, Davos, closes on 31 January 25 January 2013
- Reminder: Application for the MACC-II summer school closes on 31 January 18 January 2013
- Reminder: Abstract submission for ITM Air Pollution Modelling, Miami, closes on 31 January 15 January 2013
- Draft available: WCRP Grand Challenges 25 December 2012
- 2013 SCOPE-CM Call for Letters of Intent 6 December 2012
- IGAC Newsletter Issue 48 3 December 2012
- WCRP e-zine – October issue 21 November 2012
- Approaching deadline: Abstract submission WGNE workshop 29 October 2012
- CLIVAR Bulletin October 24 October 2012
- Publication: Air & Climate, by Frank Raes 17 October 2012
- Extreme athlete opens up the stratosphere 15 October 2012
- IPCC AR5 Draft on The Physical Science Basis – Review invitation 5 October 2012
- WMO-IGAC report: Impact of Megacities on Air Pollution and Climate 4 October 2012
- Antarctic research at risk as UK government cuts back on science 2 October 2012
- IPCC scholarship programme for students in least developed countries 20 September 2012
- Workshops in 2013: DynVar and SNAP 19 September 2012
- DynVar activity outcome: BAMS publication on the impact of stratospheric dynamics on the Earth system 19 September 2012
- 2 PhD and 1 Postdoc position at the German University of Bremen 17 September 2012
- Support available for early-career researchers 15 August 2012
- Invitation for experts to review IPCC WG3 First Order Draft 10 August 2012
- SPARC scientist decries cutbacks at world-class New Zealand facility 8 August 2012
- Vacant PhD position: Chemistry-Climate Modelling 7 August 2012
- Update: Special Workshop on Climatic Effects of Ozone Depletion 6 August 2012
- AMS Update: 5th Symposium on Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions 6 August 2012
- Postdoc position at NOAA/GFDL 3 August 2012
- CLIVAR Bulletin July 2 August 2012
- On the development of the Future Earth initiative 26 July 2012
- Extended deadline: IGAC Conference 4 July 2012
- NASA/JPL Summer School: Using Satellite Observations to Advance Climate Models 29 June 2012
- CLIVAR June Bulletin 27 June 2012
- UN Webcast: follow Rio+20 20 June 2012
- COSPAR Awards 2012 20 June 2012
- Fall AGU session: Water Vapour in UT/LS (A078) 20 June 2012
- Job opportunity for Postdocs 13 June 2012
- WCRP e-zine N°23 13 June 2012
- Intra-Americas Study of Climate Processes: JJA 2012 forecast available 11 June 2012
- 11 PhD fellowships available at HOSST 11 June 2012
- A new era of climate services 8 June 2012
- Sad announcement 7 June 2012
- Two WCRP/SPARC workshops focussing on the Southern Hemisphere in 11/2012 4 June 2012
- Secondment Opportunity: CLIVAR Project Office Director 1 June 2012
- CLIVAR Bulletin 25 May 2012
- Closing abstract submission: 3rd International Conference on Earth System Modelling 10 May 2012
- Mark your calendar: SPARC General Assembly 2014 20 April 2012
- Extended abstract submission: VAMOS Modeling Workshop 16 April 2012
- Continued Blog: Should SPARC change its name 16 April 2012
- Extended abstract submission: IGAC Conference 12 April 2012
- Job vacancy: APN Coordinator 9 April 2012
- IGAC News: March 2012 6 April 2012
- Planet under Pressure: Conference Declaration 30 March 2012
- Extended deadline: SPARC DA Workshop 2012 27 March 2012
- IGAC announces support of events 21 February 2012
- EOS: Environment Canada cuts threaten the future of science and international agreements 14 February 2012
- SPARC in the Media: Climate group chooses Zurich as new home 13 February 2012
- SPARC Office for research coordination now at ETH Zurich 2 February 2012
- Canadian ozone network faces axes – Part II 21 December 2011
- WMO Antarctic Ozone Bulletin 6/2011 19 December 2011
- WCRP Press release: 24 November 2011
- WCRP Open Science Conference 24 November 2011
- Canadian ozone network faces axes 21 September 2011
- New Blog: Should SPARC change its name? 30 August 2011
- Antarctic Ozone Bulletin 1/2011 19 August 2011